Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No, I wouldn't go out alone into America

My Google news feed has been hijacked by Presidential Election rhetoric. Waking and immediately moaning, "Ohs, spit out your lies and chewing gum" is not agreeable.

It is quite apparent that some radicalized eschatology has flourished in the United States, in which America, specifically Republicanism, is in essence the Second Coming of Christ. America imposes its culture, which is seen as inherently Christian, on other States, aiming to mould mini-Christ States that will serve it--the mega-Christ State. God and the mega-Christ State are basically synonymous and, comparatively, the mini-Christ States are beaten into a coerced discipleship. Consequently, America justifiably judges, punishes and is abstract from any tangible law without any notable Christian uproar within itself because its actions are God-willed.

The angels in the wings, and part of the indoctrination process, are corporate influences. Corporate conglomerates overwhelmingly own media and have intimate ties to government. This pseudo-impression of free speech and political critique is partially responsible for how Republicans and Democrats remain a bipartisan dictatorship, or at least an unchallenged duopoly. Further, included in this media, are all those influential (yet often uneducated) conservative evangelists pushing a culture of conditioned robots of the State--non-thinking adherents to the Christian Republican Party.

Christian flagsuckers believe that the Republican candidate is anointed by God, or at least, a fundamental Christian leader. What is fundamental Christianity? The heart of the Christian message is in Leviticus (gays be condemned!) and on a similar plateau is abortion, and to a less publicized extent, stem cell research (McCain's inspiration, Joel Osteen, the most popular televangelist in America, is the prosperous gospel epitomized because Christians ought to be financially rich too). The aforementioned three elements are viewed as the "moral" issues of the election and represent what has penetrated the Republican Party by political advocacy groups such as The Christian Coalition and Focus on the Family. Further, a negative "Liberal" nuance has been innovated to include anyone who does not adhere to this very limited scope of Christianity. John McCain will win the Christian vote purely on these terms. It is inconceivable for a Christian to vote otherwise; for this is the basis for which the Glorious Christian States stand. And this is awfully convenient for government and corporations as these issues hardly interfere with their primary business and allow the Christian faithful to concentrate on moral issues that are relatively insignificant compared to the non-moral issues.

What isn't a moral issue:

1. Social justice: This is New Testament hippie shit, and would in no way benefit the mega-Christ state. Jesus spent his time petitioning against gays and calling sinners friggers. He never spent any time with the poor.

2. Iraq war: Illegal war of aggression that has left millions homeless and impoverished as a result. Permanent bases and privatized contractors remain in the country to protect and extract oil and profiteer off re-building projects. American Big Oil recently "won" no-bid contracts which has been largely ignored by the US media.

3. Death Penalty: Visiting your brother in prison? We'll kill 'em instead. Not to mention that eradicating death row would save the government's budget millions of dollars. If not a moral issue, at the very least, this could be an economic issue.

4. Environmentalism: Rev. 11:18? Battling climate change, and aiding the millions of environmental refugees is not profitable.

5. Wire-tapping: Government begins illegal spying on citizens via telecommunication corporations, effectively breaking the constitution, and once word gets out this is happening, the corporations are given total immunity.

6. Gun-control: ?

7. Health Insurance: Single payer health insurance is apparently not even an option.

8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13: Military budget, arms deals, anti-union bills, corporate welfare, Afghanistan war, sponsoring terrorist states like Israel

When McCain becomes President, which is very likely (it's not like Obama is much better anyway), I will be pissed, not because McCain is President, because hegemony will continue either way, but because Christians will think they have fulfilled God's will by putting the Republican in Office.

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